Privacy Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

At Smudge Artspace, we value the privacy and security of our customers' personal information. This policy outlines our commitment to the responsible collection, storage, and use of customer data to ensure transparency and safeguard confidentiality.

2. Collection of Customer Data

We collect only essential customer information required to provide our services effectively. Information may include names, contact details, birthdates, and preferences.

3. Use and Storage of Customer Data

Customer data is used solely for the purpose of delivering our services and enhancing customer experiences. Information is securely stored and protected from unauthorised access.

4. Consent and Control

Customers' consent is obtained before collecting their personal information.

5. Data Security

Appropriate measures are in place to safeguard customer data from breaches, unauthorised access, or loss. Security protocols are regularly reviewed and updated as required.

6. Third Parties

Customer data is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, except for legal or regulatory requirements.

7. Marketing Communication

Customer data is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, except for legal or regulatory requirements. Opt-out options are provided to unsubscribe from marketing communication at any time.

8. Data Retention

Customer data is retained only for the duration necessary to provide services and fulfil legal obligations.

9. Children's Data

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 13 years of age without parental consent.

10. Compliance

We adhere to relevant data protection laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) in Australia.

11. Data Breach Notification

Customer data is not shared with third parties without explicit consent, except for legal or regulatory requirements.

12. Complaints and Enquiries

Customers can contact us regarding any concerns about their personal data or our data practices.