Photography & Social Media Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

At Smudge Artspace, we we recognise the importance of photography and social media in sharing our creative journey while respecting the privacy and safety of all individuals. This policy outlines guidelines for capturing and sharing content related to our activities and events.

2. Photography and Consent

Prior consent will be sought from parents/guardians before taking photographs or videos of children under 18 years old.

Attendees will be informed about any photography or video recording taking place during events or classes.

3. Use of Photography and Media

Photos and videos may be used for promotional purposes on our website, social media platforms, and marketing materials.

We ensure that images are respectful and in line with our values.

4. Social Media Sharing

Attendees are welcome to share their own photos from our events on their personal social media profiles.

We encourage the use of our official event hashtags to connect with our community.

5. Respect for Privacy

Attendees are encouraged to be mindful of the privacy of others and refrain from taking and sharing photos without consent.

If anyone expresses discomfort about being photographed, their wishes will be respected.

6. Responsible Sharing

When sharing photos or videos of children, attendees are encouraged to prioritise the child's safety and consider potential risks associated with sharing personal information.

7. Copyright and Ownership

The intellectual property rights of all photographs and videos taken at Smudge Artspace remain with the respective photographers.

Images shared on our official platforms will be properly credited.

8. Reporting Concerns

If any attendee feels uncomfortable about a photo or video, they are encouraged to notify a staff member immediately.

9. Modifications to Photos

Attendees should refrain from editing or altering photos of individuals in a way that could cause harm or discomfort.

10. Compliance

We adhere to relevant data protection laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) in Australia.

11. Communication and Consent

Parents/guardians will be notified about our photography policy upon enrollment in our programs.

Consent for photography will be included in the registration process, and attendees may opt-out if desired.

12. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with our values and current practices.

At Smudge Artspace, we aim to create a positive and inclusive environment for all attendees. This policy reflects our commitment to respecting the rights and privacy of individuals while celebrating our creative community through photography and social media.